adventure, anticipation, blessings, day to day, encouragement, God is faithful, hope, influence, inspiration, peace, praise, self help, worship

its in the little things

All are looking for IT but what is IT?

A deep sense of purpose,
oneness with another – with nature – with God.

A cat is on my lap sniffing…looking for IT.
A foreign smell – she doesn’t know.
A baby was sleeping in my arms. That brought some of IT to my day.

thankfulness – treasures – moments – joy – tranquility

…cat still sniffs…wondering…
…I am remembering…

I mentioned reading Ann Voskamp’s One Thousand Gifts. Still in process and savoring. She took a challenge to write 1000 gifts and shares about her life changing in the process. Her writing style draws you in to the grace and peace of thankfulness.

Some treasures to my day…

babe asleep and trusting
curious cat seeking
soup filled garden fresh
blackberries – YES
the joy of my friend with her bag of Ghirardelli chips

Time to read – I’m inspired to see the gifts in each day and give God thanks.

8 thoughts on “its in the little things”

  1. I like the sort of Haiku quality of today’s sentences. And I like these words: moments, thankfulness, trusting, seeking. I am only just learning to appreciate moments, and to trust in God a day at a time. I have always been a goal-achiever; but age prevents long-range planning and goal formation, and forces me into the reality of just today.

    1. The book is written in that way. I would consider them thoughts, senses, blurbs. How most brains might do their quick categorizing. Beautiful sky – rainfall makes music – petals open toward sun. Maybe its just some brains :O) but I could relate well. He had to remove a lot from my life before I could live as He desired….in moments. Live like the lilies…

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