
weed whackers beware

I’ve been spending a bit of time trying to tame some wild spots. I dig under the weeds to get to the roots, lift, separate, and shake. Whacking is useless. Lots of roots are sneaky and remain to peek out another time.

Good work out and thinking/listening time.

Like our lives. Things from the past try to take up residence again when strays are left behind. If we ignore them, they usually decide they’re free to remain.

Multiple meanings to me that won’t fit in the 150 words today. BUT I know that through the blood of Christ I AM redeemed and forgiven. HE makes all things new!!

My house guest just returned with her weed gardens and it feels overwhelming to me.

Prayers for wisdom and revelation in this house are appreciated. I don’t feel I’ve been handling this the best.

being yourself, encouragement, meeting needs, outreach, ponderings

understanding you and others

Judi & Yollande
Helping at HAPI
I think many people are (like me) going through life trying to be liked, appreciated and helpful to others. We don’t always know if there is success in that unless there is feedback. How do we let others know what feedback helps? How do we give in a way that lets the recipient feel that they are cherished? (I don’t have this perfected and I’m still trying to figure out how some people really work!)

Several years ago I read “The Five Love Languages” by Gary Chapman to help me TRY to figure out a relationship and I have to say it gave me insight into more people than just the one I was hoping to understand. We all have different ways of saying and hearing that love, appreciation and feedback.

Very similar in outreach work like that we do with HaitianArtisans.com in business and community development. We can give in a way that we feel is beneficial but if it isn’t what they really feel they need or desire, it was a wasted gift or in some cases a damaging gift.

So this New Year, take some time to get to know yourself…what brings you those feelings of love, appreciation and confirmation. Tell those closest (they can’t always guess correctly) and be OPEN to finding out what really helps them feel that as well. Check out the book if you want a bit of help. You won’t be disappointed in the improvement in your communications.