busy, comfort zone, encouragement, expectations, peace, ponderings, praise, relax

day planners

Another Day
Have you ever taken a class on using your Franklin, Day Planner or Palm Pilot to prioritize your days and your life?

Makes me think of project management and how often we now analyze risks, timelines, outside forces and due dates even in our families? Jimmy has soccer at 4, Sally gymnastics 4:30 so dinner is at 6 tonight – unless you have a meeting again…

Each day and each relationship requires some “planning.” Then a flat tire or bad headache wreck havoc on the schedule.

How do you react when things like this happen?

A verse keeps coming to mind, Proverbs 16:9 In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.

I have mixed feelings when plans change but somedays the repair shop has just the music to soothe my soul. When detours and roadblocks come, watch…God often shows us He has even better things in mind.

Trust Him and relax….

anticipation, busy, change, confusion, ponderings

are you ever confused about life?

What area do you feel is most confusing??

I think I have felt confused since birth and it hasn’t really changed. When I thought I had it figured out, something changed. I learned how to use my Franklin planner and felt I’d have the world working just the way I wanted it. Now that sits on a shelf and I feel like a sailboat letting the wind blow me where it will. (Luckily when I picture that its in warm waters!)

I know Christmas is this week but I do more reflecting of what God has done this year and anticipating what He has in store for the New Year when this season comes around. I’m not too much into extreme celebrations or giant meals at a dozen homes. I can’t blame that on my time in poverty areas since I felt that way before those travels. I really don’t know where I picked up that attitude but I’m OK with it and I know there are plenty of you out there to make up for me! So here’s to all your last minute shopping, gatherings, baking, decorating and cooking. I hope JOY in this season finds you more than busyness and that you don’t get too upset and let the breezes bring you where they may.

That’s the public meandering for the day…more always goes in the journal!!